Thursday, July 28, 2011

Augmented Reality - Virtual Information of Real World

Augmented reality is a new concept which allows you to see the real world in virtual way. Augmented reality generates a composite view to the user of real world a viewer is seeing and virtual view generated with the computer by adding graphics,sounds and haptic feedback.The ultimate goal is to create a system such that the user can not tell the difference between the real world and the virtual augmentation of it. To the user of this ultimate system it would appear that he is looking at a single real scene.Imagine yourself going to a unknown city with just pair of glasses as your tour guides and a phone application which converts speech of any language into a the one which you understands and the glasses show you all the basic information about the city like street number,lane number, how far is the nearest police station or a restaurant from where you are  standing.It will look all science fiction type  but this concept is really taking its shape in form of smartphone applications and video games. The applications based on this concept are still at infancy stage, the functionality they provide has not reached an advanced level but then they are impressive to watch..

Augmented reality can change the way we browse the internet today.One of the most amazing things which I found about this technology was just by pointing out the camera in front of project we can see the information related to that particular place. Lets say if you are walking across the road in Rome and you come across a museum. all you have is just your phone just point out your augmented browser towards the building and you will get all the information needed about it. It will display everything about the building that is available on net.this is just one application but augmented reality can be used in medical as well as many military applications.
 There are many applications based on this concept which are gaining momentum in the technology arena.Few popular applications like LAYAR, WIKITUDE,JUNAIO,etc.All are called augmented browsers. These applications help you in finding the real time information of anything you  point your camera towards the place. By real time information I mean the users current position, near by restaurants, important buildings , it depends on the type of application and what feature they are providing but some applications also provide the names of all the nearby buildings where job interviews are going on. Isn't it amazing you will get the information about any place  wherever you go. However the concept of augmented reality is very new and is implemented in few applications of smartphones and some of video games. There are immense areas and domains where if this concept is followed can create a revolution in technology world.

Think of the opputunities that will arise if we are able to work this augumented reality in military applications.for example it would be great for a pilot to view information about his surroundings without looking at the instruments when every information (altitude, speed weather information) can be shown on a transparent screen.Beside this augumented reality has applications have  many applications in the field of Medical sciences.There have been really interesting advances in medical application of augmented reality. Medical students use the technology to practice surgery in a controlled environment. Visualizations aid in 
explaining complex medical conditions to patients. Augmented reality can reduce the risk of an operation by giving the surgeon improved sensory perception. This technology can be combined with MRI or X-ray systems and bring everything into a single view for the surgeon. There are many more areas like navigation, sight seing ,palentology,gaming where this concept can be very useful .

Now when  we have discussed how good is this concept  lets look at some of the limitations of this technology too. An over reliance on any technology make people more ignorant towards real time things .The issue of privacy may arise when the information on web is so widely explored and used.People may not like their Facebook profiles to appear on the phone of stranger and letting know of your life and background..However every new thing has some pros and cons with it .It depends on us how we take it,but if you look at the concept of the technology don't you feel fascinated that how much technology has advanced how by only pointing your phone camera towards a place or building will let  you know all the information yo\u want to know about the place. I am still exploring about the technology and would try to post as much as I can about the technology.

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